So you’ve got your eyes set on someone and he seems to be pretty receptive of you and the little interaction you’ve got going on so far. A little flirt here, some touchy-feely gestures there, lots of friendly bantering between you two… He seems interested and you like him more and more each day. But why hasn’t he made the move yet?
It’s time to let him know you like him! Here are some ways to subtly show him you like him..
Make Eye Contact And Smile!
Not only will smiling show that you are friendly and fun, it’ll also get him wondering what you’re smiling about! Catch his eye, count to three and look away. This will create an intimate bond between you, and he’ll soon be wondering how he can make you smile. Just be careful not to stare! There's a whole art of flirting with your eyes..Touch Him!
Brush against him while Talks, touch his arm when you’re talking to him...find ways to touch him while you are talking. This is another way to create an instant bond, and it makes you seem much more friendly! Make sure your touches are light and soft, and he won’t be able to think about anything else..Give Him Your Full Attention!
It is often really hard for men to realize when we are interested, so you have to give him as many hints as possible. When you are talking to him, give him your full attention. Don’t text, and maintain eye contact. Laugh at anything that’s funny, and make sure you’re listening so you can comment back. As well as being subconsciously flattering, he’ll feel close to you, and he’ll eventually realize you like talking to him..Look Good!
While you don’t want to seem vain, make sure you’re looking good when you see him. Enhance your natural features and smile alot, and you can be sure that he’ll think you’re beautiful. I know there are many girls who object to wearing makeup, but well done hair and a bit of skillfully applied mascara, foundation and lip gloss go a long way. As do the smoothness of your skin and the smell of a nice perfume. Make sure your nails and toe nails are in check and use some hand cream to make your skin irresistible to his touch..Make Him Feel Special!
One common mistake that I’ve been noticing about people for a while now is that whenever a person likes someone they don’t treat that person any differently than everyone else. It may be because they are slightly afraid to express their feelings too boldly but it’s more than crucial to let the person you like know that they are not just one of your friends. So next time you are with him make him feel special and treat him differently from everyone else..Hang Out with Him!
It’s important to strengthen the bond between you and him, even if it means taking communication to the next level and hang out once in awhile. You can casually bring him to your favorite place so he can try it out or go watch a movie that both of you have been dying to see. Face to face contact and similar interest can go a long way..Stay in Contact!
Before telling a person directly that you like them, it’s important to make them like you back first by building a personal bond. So having a few late night talks or sending some goodnight or good morning texts will strengthen your relationship and make him wonder if there is really something between you too. After having a few fun filled conversations, he might even become addicted to communicating with you without even knowing it..Show Excitement!
It’s common for us to play it cool and look like we don’t see the guy we like, when our heart is filled with excitement when we catch just a glimpse of him, but we must avoid that. Instead of hiding your feelings, express them! Flash your million dollar smile, wave hello and next thing you know this exchange of hellos will become a ritual between the two of you!Drop a Few Hints !
You never want to be stuck in a friendzone, so it’s important to drop a few hints here and there without blatantly telling him you have feelings for him. So instead say nice things to him once in awhile like ‘It’s fun spending time with you’ or anything like that. However, don’t let it get too deep and switch the topic to something more casual! This mind trick will leave him wondering.Tell Him about You!
Talk about yourself. Show him you can be trusted by telling him your secrets, and all the little details about you. He’ll feel more comfortable when he knows who you are, and you’ll soon be rid of a shy guy and have your own confident hero!There’s nothing sexier than a girl whose confident enough to make the first move....Have you got a failsafe dating tip? Please share it with me!
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