Bullett Raja is a thriller film set against the setting of Uttar Pradesh-based mafia while managing the underworld and characteristic Sonakshi Sinha as the heading woman who plays Saif's adoration engage and how she arrives up around these criminals. Gulshan Grover plays Mr. Bajaj a trendy knave who portrays the wealthiest and most capable man in UP.
Download Bullett Raja Movie 2013 Free MP3 Songs(128 Kbps):
Tamanche Pe Disco
RDB feat. Nindy Kaur & Raftaar
RDB feat. Nindy Kaur & Raftaar
Saamne Hai Savera
Wajid, Shreya Ghoshal, Bonnie Chakraborty
Wajid, Shreya Ghoshal, Bonnie Chakraborty
Jai Govinda Jai Gopala
Neeraj Sridhar
Neeraj Sridhar
Dont Touch My Body
Mamta Sharma
Mamta Sharma
Bullett Raja
Wajid (Backup Vocals: Keerthi Sagathia)
Wajid (Backup Vocals: Keerthi Sagathia)
Satake Thoko
Wajid, Keerthi Sathia, Danish Sabri
Wajid, Keerthi Sathia, Danish Sabri
Jai Govinda Jai Gopala – Remix
Neeraj Sridhar
Bullett Raja marks the entry of a fresh pair in Bollywood as this is the first time lead actors Saif and Sonakshi are paired together. The songs and stills promise a sizzling and fresh chemistry between the two actors. So we think you are going to watch a new romantic love story from this film. Bullett Raja surely promises a lot of action that includes guns, shooting, chasing, blasts etc.Neeraj Sridhar
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